Missouriensis is the Society’s open-source scientific journal containing articles relevant to Missouri plants and natural systems. It is distributed to all members and several libraries and is also indexed and available through the Biodiversity Heritage Library, the world’s largest open access digital library for biodiversity literature and archives. To submit an article for publication, consult the instructions for authors and contact the editor.
Volume 42 (2024)
Volume 41 (2023)
Volume 40 (2022)
Volume 39 (2021)
Volume 38 (2020)
Volume 37 (2019)
Volume 36 (2018)
Volume 35 (2017)
Volume 34 (2016)
Volume 33 (2015)
- Asclepias exaltata (Apocynaceae) Discovered in Southeastern Missouri
Christopher D Crabtree - Botanical Notes from the Branson Wilderness
George Yatskievych - A New Site for Running Buffalo Clover (Trifolium stoloniferum, Fabaceae) in Missouri: Implications for Additional Survey Needs and Suggested Management Recommendations
Paul M. McKenzie and Chris Newbold - Verbesina occidentalis – A Pioneer-Era Addition to the Missouri Flora?
Ben Duffield
Volume 32 (2014)
- A Literature-Based Checklist of the Liverworts and Hornworts Reported from Missouri.
John J. Atwood
Volume 31 (2012)
- Rediscovery of Carolina Clover (Trifolium carolinianum, Fabaceae) in Missouri.
Paul M. McKenzie and George Yatskievych - A Second Recent Record of Eastern Prairie-fringed Orchid (Platanthera leucophaea, Orchidaceae) for Missouri.
Paul M. McKenzie, Tom Nagel, David Ashley, and Noppadol Paothong - Botanical Angels and Devils: the Presence of Aralia elata (Araliaceae) in Missouri.
Steven Buback and George Yatskievych - Plants of the Bull Shoals Field Station, Taney County, Missouri.
Shanda H. King, Jennifer Moody, Paul L. Redfearn, Jr., Jeremy L. Keene, and L. Michelle Bowe - New County Records of Missouri Plants from the Powell Gardens Herbarium.
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.
Volume 30 (2009)
Note: This volume of Missouriensis contains the Proceedings of a Symposium Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Missouri Native Plant Society, 26 September 2009, Fulton, Missouri.
- To Own the World.
James H. Wilson - Missouri’s Orchid Flora: Thirty Years of Change.
Bill Summers - Homogenization: Ecosystems Lost in the Biotic Blender.
Paul W. Nelson - Sustaining Our Natural Heritage: Ten (Suggested) Conservation Commandments.
Doug Ladd - A Brief Chronology of the Missouri Native Plant Society: 1978–2009.
Larry R. Morrison
Volume 28 / 29 (2008)
- Improved Status of Auriculate False Foxglove (Agalinis auriculata) in Missouri in 2007.
Tim E. Smith, Tom Nagel, and Bruce Schuette - Current Status of Yellow False Mallow (Malvastrum hispidum) in Missouri.
Tim E. Smith - Heliotropium europaeum (Heliotropiaceae) New to Missouri.
Jay A. Raveill and George Yatskievych - Melica mutica (Poaceae) New for the Flora of Missouri.
Alan E. Brant - Schoenoplectus californicus (Cyperaceae) New to Missouri.
Timothy E. Vogt and Paul M. McKenzie - Flora of Galloway Creek Nature Park, Howell County, Missouri.
Bill Summers
Volume 27, 2006 (2007)
- Hypericum lobocarpum (Clusiaceae) Rediscovered in Ripley County, Missouri.
Tim E. Smith - Lysimachia terrestris (Primulaceae) New to Missouri.
Tim. E. Smith - Generic Index to Asteraceae in Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri, Volume 2.
Tim E. Smith - Two New Localities for Persicaria glabra (Polygonaceae) in Missouri and Comments on its Identification and Habitat Requirements.
Paul M. McKenzie, Tim E. Smith, and Nels Helmburg - Botanical Highlights – 2006.
Tim E. Smith - Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri, Volume 2. Errata.
George Yatskievych - Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Differences Between Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri and the Revised Flora of Missouri, Volume 2.
Rex Hill and George Yatskievych - Book Review: The Flora of Nebraska
Volume 26, 2005 (2006)
- A Method for Control Of Euonymus fortunei Using Roundup Pro ® (Glyphosate).
John Solodar - Ecology of Three Populations of the Rare Woodland Perennial, Trillium pusillum Michaux (Liliaceae), in Southwestern Missouri.
Cynthia S. Andre and D. Alexander Wait - Vegetative Key to Polygonum in Missouri.
Justin R. Thomas - Using the National Wetland Inventory as a Tool to Locate Fens and Other Rare Missouri Wetland Natural Communities.
Paul M. McKenzie - Book Review: The Terrestrial Natural Communities of Missouri, Revised Edition
Volume 25, 2004 (2005)
- The Flora and Natural History of Woods Prairie, a Nature Reserve in Southwestern Missouri.
Andrew L. Thomas, Sam Gibson, and Nels J. Holmberg - Plant Changes for the 2005 Missouri Species and Communities of Conservation Concern Checklist.
Timothy E. Smith - How Faster to Master the Aster Disaster: A Primer on the Changing Nomenclature of Missouri Asters.
George Yatskievych
Volume 24, 2003 (2004)
- A New Site for Carex sprengelii (Cyperaceae) in Missouri.
Paul M. McKenzie - Notes on the Missouri Cyperaceae as Discussed in Flora of North America Volume 23.
Paul M. McKenzie - Flora of North America-Family Index.
Timothy E. Smith - A Vegetative Key to the Muhlenbergia species of Missouri.
Justin R. Thomas - Prairie Restoration Flora of the St. Louis Region of Illinois and Missouri.
Douglas Ladd
Volume 23, 2002
- Joanna M. Turner (1929 – 2002).
George Yatskievych - Turner Hills: A Special Fern Place.
Sue Hollis - Rediscovery of Carex conoidea (Cyperaceae) at Tucker Prairie in Callaway County and Comments on Its Identification and Habitat Associates.
Paul M. McKenzie - Comments on Carex timida (Cyperaceae) in Missouri and a Key to Species of Section Phyllostachyae in the State.
Paul M. McKenzie - Three New Sites for Eleocharis atropurpurea (Cyperaceae) in Missouri and Comments on its Identification and Ecological Requirements.
Paul M. McKenzie - A New Escaped Species in Missouri: Evodia daniellii (Rutaceae).
L. Michelle Bowe and Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - A Vegetative Key to Missouri Goldenrods.
Justin R. Thomas - Thlaspi alliaceum (Brassicaceae), Another Non-native Species New to Missouri.
Dan Tenaglia and George Yatskievych
Volume 22, 2001
- First Documented Record of Carex gracillima (Cyperaceae) in Missouri in 112 Years.
Paul M. McKenzie - A Second Locality for Arum italicum (Araceae) in Missouri.
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - Wood Lily Rediscovered in Missouri.
Greg Gremaud - A Northward Extension of the Known Range of Geocarpon minimum.
Jay A. Raveill and John F. Belsche - Revision of the Genus Heuchera (Saxifragaceae).
Verena Kallhof and George Yatskievych
Volume 21, 2000
- The Genus Callirhoe in Missouri.
Maria Morris and George Yatskievych - Significant Range Extension in Missouri for Echinochloa walteri (Poaceae) and Cyperus flavicomus (Cyperaceae).
Paul M. McKenzie - Sporobolus pyramidatus (Poaceae) Rediscovered in Missouri after 102 Years.
Brad Jacobs and Paul M. McKenzie - New Sites for Two Rare Missouri Sedges: Eleocharis wolfii and Fuirena simplex var. aristulata (Cyperaceae).
Paul M. McKenzie and Brad Jacobs - Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri, Volume 1, Errata.
George Yatskievych - Taxonomic and Nomenclatural Differences Between the First and Revised Editions of Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri.
Kathleen Wood and George Yatskievych - Announcements
- Book Review: Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri
Volume 20, 1999
Note:The 20th anniversary issue of Missouriensis primarily contained an article (“From Germination to Flowering: The First Twenty Years of the Missouri Native Plant Society”) that outlined the history of the Missouri Native Plant Society up to that time. That article can also be read elsewhere.
- From Germination to Flowering: The First Twenty Years of the Missouri Native Plant Society.
Larry R. Morrison
Volume 19, 1998
- Cyperus difformis, an Introduced Species New to Missouri.
Rhett Johnson - Another Applicant for Naturalization in Missouri’s Flora.
Jack Harris - The Reintroduction of Running Buffalo Clover (Trifolium stoloniferum) in Missouri, 1989 – 1998.
Timothy E. Smith - Treasures from the Great Northern Missouri Desert.
Craig J. Anderson - Panicum verrucosum (Poaceae), New to Missouri.
Paul M. McKenzie - Castanea mollissima in Southwest Missouri.
Donald J. Padgett and Heather Parker - Tyson Research Quarry / Glade Project: Preparing a Habitat for the Introduction of the Eastern Collared Lizard.
Jane C. Walker - Highlights of Missouri Field Botany (1997 – 1998).
Timothy E. Smith - Announcements
- Book Reviews: Grasses of Missouri, Revised Edition and Plant Identification Terminology
Volume 18, 1997
- Editor’s Note
- Wallace R. Weber (1934 – 1997)
- A New Orchid for the State of Missouri: The Long-bracted Orchid, Coeloglossum viride var. virescens.
Elisabeth A. Hooper - Two New Native Plants in Missouri.
Bill Summers - Another New Introduction for Missouri.
Stanton Hudson - Two New and Interesting Records for Missouri Plants.
Stephen L. Timme - Missouri Native Plant Society Awards (1986 – 1997): A Summary
- Announcements
- Book Reviews
Volume 17, 1996
Contents, Numbers 1 and 2
- Editorial – The Future of Missouriensis
- Dalea gattingeri, a Cedar Glade Endemic New to Missouri.
Bill Summers, Michael Skinner, George Yatskievych - Two Introduced Species New to Missouri.
Stanton Hudson - Rediscovery of Oryzopsis racemosa (Poaceae) in Missouri.
Ann Wakeman and Paul M. McKenzie - Cyperus setigerus and Kyllinga gracillima (Cyperaceae) in Missouri.
Paul M. McKenzie and Brad Jacobs - Echinochloa walteri, a New Grass for Missouri.
Tim Smith - New Plant Growth as a Factor in Insect Abundance.
J.M. Sullivan
Volume 16, 1995
Contents, Number 2
- The NMSU Herbarium Database and Monocot Analysis.
Donna Ford and Mistti Ritter - Status of Bromus nottowayanus (Poaceae) in Missouri.
Paul M. McKenzie and Douglas Ladd - Christmas Tree Lichens.
Willard B. Walker - Book Reviews: Missouri’s Conservation Atlas and Missouri Nature Viewing Guide
Contents, Number 1
- Introduced Native Flora at the Shaw Arboretum Constructed Wetland.
James C. Trager - Plants of the Jameson C. McCormack Conservation Area, Holt County, Missouri.
Thomas Priesendorf and David Castaner - Utricularia subulata in Missouri.
J.M. Sullivan - Book Review: Tallgrass Prairie Wildflowers
Volume 15, 1994
Contents, Number 2
- Rediscovery of Trifolium stoloniferum in Missouri.
Deborah Rowan - Notes on Ophioglossum in Missouri.
Stanton Hudson - Why “Adder’s Tongue”?
J.M. Sullivan - Three New Plants for Southeastern Missouri.
Stanton Hudson - Paspalum bifidum (Poaceae), New to Missouri, with Management Recommendations for Its Recovery in the State.
Paul M. McKenzie - Book Review: Walking with Wildflowers.
Carol Darigo - Announcement
Contents, Number 1
- Guest Editorial.
Mervin Wallace - Carya pallida, a New Hickory for Missouri.
Tim Smith - NEMO Herbarium History and Present Status.
Donna Ford and Mike Rugge - Menyanthes trifoliata Rediscovered in Missouri.
Joe Ryan - The Polygonatum aviculare Complex in Missouri.
George Yatskievych and Alan Brant - Announcement
- Books of Interest
Volume 14, 1993
Contents, Number 2
- From the Editors
- Edgar Denison, 1904 – 1993.
Joanna Turner - Two Recollections of Edgar Denison.
Mary Ott - Common Plant Families of Missouri, II: Monocots.
Edgar Denison - Announcements
- Book Reviews
Contents, Number 1
- From the Editors
- Common Plant Families of Missouri, I: Introduction to Fruits.
Edgar Denison - Are There Lichens in the Suburbs?
Douglas Ladd - Panicum yadkinense Ashe (Poaceae) New to Missouri.
Blane Heumann - Studies in the Flora of Missouri, IV.
George Yatskievych and Bill Summers - Announcements
- Books of Interest
- Book Reviews.
George Yatskievych
Volume 13, 1992
Contents, Number 2
- Plants of the Little Bean Marsh Wildlife Area, Platte County, Missouri.
David Castaner and David LaPlante - Chicken Spike (Sphenococlea zelandica, Campanulaceae), New to Missouri.
Stanton Hudson - Missouri Botanical Record 15.
Wallace R. Weber and William Corcoran - Announcement of Change in Editor
Contents, Number 1
- County Record Vouchers for Vascular Plant Species Newly Recorded for Missouri Since 1963.
Joanna Turner and George Yatskievych - A New Eryngium for Missouri.
Bill Dierker
Volume 12, 1991
Contents, Number 2
- A Second Station and New County Record for Cyperus retroflexus (Cyperaceae) in Missouri.
Richard Carter and Charles T. Bryson - Misplaced Mountains.
Fr. James M. Sullivan - New and Noteworthy Missouri Vascular Plants.
Douglas Ladd, Greg Gremaud, and Blane Heumann
Contents, Number 1
- Another Alien Has Landed: Evax prolifera in Missouri.
Fr. James Sullivan - Studies in the Flora of Missouri, III.
George Yatskievych and Bill Summers - Book Review: After the Ice Age, The Return of Life to Glaciated North America.
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - The Missouri Flora Geographic Information System and a Proposed Atlas of Vascular Plants in Missouri.
William T. Corcoran and Wallace R. Weber - Missouri Botanical Record 14.
Wallace R. Weber and William T. Corcoran - Common Mosses of Missouri.
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr.
Volume 11, 1990
Contents, Number 2
- Aster macrophyllus L. (Asteraceae), A New Record for Missouri.
Bill Summers and George Yatskievych - Ranunculus testicularis, A New Weedy Buttercup for Missouri.
Douglas Ladd - Goldie’s Fern and the Three Barren Strawberries.
Tim Smith - The Missouri Wildflower That Wasn’t.
George Yatskievych - A New Eupatorium for Missouri.
- By-Laws of the Missouri Native Plant Society (Revised, December 1990).
- Missouri Botanical Record 13.
Wallace R. Weber and William T. Corcoran
Contents, Number 1
- Studies in the Flora of Missouri, II.
George Yatskievych - Two Noteworthy Collections of Orobanche L. (Orobanchaceae) from Missouri.
Timothy E. Smith - Stenotaphrum secundatum (Poaceae) in Stone County. A New Grass for Missouri.
Linda S. Ellis - Book Review: Wildflowers of Mississippi.
Timothy E. Smith - Robert H. Mohlenbrock: His Botanical Roots and His Influence on Missouri Botany.
Wallace R. Weber - Missouri Botanical Record 12.
Wallace R. Weber and William T. Corcoran
Volume 10, 1989
Contents, Number 2
- Looking Back – The First Ten Years.
Virginia K. Wallace - Equisetum pratense Ehrh. (Equisetaceae), A New Species to Missouri.
Brad Jacobs - A New Grass for Missouri.
William W. Dierker - Federally Listed Plants in Missouri: An Update.
Virginia K. Wallace - Orchid Species New to Missouri.
Mark Pelton - Book Review: Wildflower Handbook.
George Yatskievych - Missouri Botanical Record.
Wallace R. Weber and William T. Corcoran
Contents, Number 1
- Stylisma pickeringii (Torr. ex M.A. Curtis) A. Gray var. pattersoni (Fern. & Schub.) Myint. (Convolvulacae): New to the Flora of Missouri.
Melvin R. Conrad - Native Missouri Plants at the Missouri Botanical Garden.
Joyce Broughton and George Rogers - Missouri Carex Notes 4. Carex bicknellii var. opaca in Missouri.
David Castaner - Studies in the Flora of Missouri, I. New Records of Introduced Taxa.
George Yatskievych and Dennis Figg - Minutes of the MONPS Board Meeting – 15 April 1989.
Mary Susan Taylor - Missouri Botanical Record.
Wallace R. Weber and William T. Corcoran
Volume 9, 1988
Contents, Number 2
- Vegetation of Knob Noster State Park. II: Species List.
David Castaner, Ron Mullikin, James L. Smith, and Tom Priesendorf - Two Woody Taxa of Noteworthy Occurences in Southwest Missouri.
Jon P. Rebman and Wallace R. Weber - Minutes for December 1988 Board Meeting.
Lynda Richards - Missouri Botanical Record.
Wallace R. Weber
Contents, Number 1
- Editorial
- Julian Steyermark, A Lifetime of Botany.
George Yatskievych - Poa interior Rydberg (Poaceae), a New Record for Missouri.
Tim Smith - The Confusing Case of the Flame Fame Flower.
George Yatskievych - Vulpia bromides in Missouri.
Art Christ - Three New Species to Missouri.
Greg Gremaud - Minutes for the September 1988 Board Meeting.
Lynda Richards
Volume 8, 1987
Contents, Number 2
- Grasses of Missouri: An Annotated Checklist.
Roy E. Gereau - Cladastris kentuckea (Dum.-Corset) Rudd in Southeast Missouri.
Rodney D. Doolen and Wanda S. Doolen - Thalia dealbata (Marantaceae), A Missouri Surprise.
Susan Price and George Rogers - Minutes of the April 23 1988 Board Meeting.
Joanna Turner - Missouri Botanical Record.
Wallace R. Weber
Contents, Number 1
- Cynoctonum mitreola Rediscovered in Missouri.
Timothy Nigh and Douglas Ladd - Propagating Rose Verbena From Cuttings.
Mervin Wallace - Vegetation of Knob Noster State Park. I: Major Physionomic Communities.
Ron Mullikin and David Castaner - Nomenclatural Review of the Families Ceratophyllaceae and Nymphaceae in Missouri.
Joanna Turner - Missouri Botanical Record.
Wallace R. Weber - Notes
Volume 7, 1986
Contents, Number 2
- Bryophytes of Roaring River State Park, Barry County, Missouri.
Teresa Hilton - Distribution, Systematics, and Ecology of Botrychium campestre, the Prairie Moonwort.
D.R. Farrar and C.L. Johnson-Groh - Missouri Carex Notes 2. A search for Carex X subimpressa Clokey in Clinton County 26 Years After Julian Steyermark’s Discovery.
David Castaner - Missouri Botanical Record: A Brief History and Update.
Wallace R. Weber
Contents, Number 1
- Minutes of the Winter Meeting.
Sherry Morgan - Minutes of the Spring Meeting.
Joanna Turner - An Orchid Transplant.
Pat Grace - Conversations with Julian Steyermark: The Flora of Missouri Years.
Gary A. Reese - The Continued Expansion of Galium pedemontanum in Missouri.
David Castaner - Lonicera maackii, Escaped from Cultivation in Missouri.
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - Comments on Family Synopsis for the Missouri Flora, I.
Julian A. Steyermark - Request for Material
- Missouri Botanical Record: A Brief History and Update.
Wallace R. Weber and Jay Raveill
Volume 6, 1985
Contents, Number 2
- Minutes of the Spring Meeting.
Joanna Turner - Minutes of the Fall Meeting.
Joanna Turner - Notes on the Fall Meeting.
- Letter to the Editor.
- News from the St. Louis Chapter.
- Points of View: Fens and Savannas of Missouri – Household Words?
Paul W. Nelson - Points of View: Confusion of Terms – A Reply.
Paul L. Redfearn - Notes from a Naturalist–What Habitat?
Edgar Denison - Show-Me Places
Virginia K. Wallace - Request for Information.
- Book Review
- Missouri Carex Notes: I. On Carex aquatilis in Missouri
David Castenar - Family Synopsis for the Missouri Flora
Mary S. Taylor and Joanna Turner - Awards Offered by Awards Committee
Contents, Number 1
- Minutes of the Winter Meeting.
Jean Webdell - Minutes of the Spring Meeting.
Jean Webdell - Show-Me Places.
Ginny Wallace - Oenothera triloba Nutt.
Edgar Denison - The Effects of Simulated Grazing Disturbance on Clematis fremontii S. Watson var. riehlii R.O. Erickson.
Carol S. Sutherland - In Memory of Erna R. Eisendrath.
- Waiting for George.
Erna Eisendrath - Book Review: Wildflowers of Arkansas.
Virginia K. Wallace - Mark Twain National Forest News.
- Confusion of Terms.
Edgar Denison - Spring in Springfield.
Ginny Wallace - Note
Volume 5, 1984
Contents, Number 4
- Minutes from the Fall Board Meeting.
Jean Webdell - Results of the Membership Survey.
Jean Webdell - Missouri’s Interesting Flora: Wood Anemone.
Art Christ - An Addition to the Flora of Missouri Found at the Missouri State Fairgrounds.
David Castaner - Wild Leeks in Missouri.
Joanna Turner - Aster vimineus Lam. var. vimineus in Taney County.
Alice Allen Nightingale - Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. in Taney County.
Alice Allen Nightingale and Kenton C. Olson - The Missouri State Park System’s Herbarium Qualifies for International Status.
Paul W. Nelson - News and Notes
- Missouri Botanical County Records.
Wallace Weber and Jay Raveill
Contents, Number 3
- Minutes from the Spring Board Meeting.
Jean Webdell - Missouri’s Interesting Flora: Myosotis stricta Link.
Art Christ - Making a List and Checking It Twice.
Sherry Morgan - Two Additions to the Flora of Missouri from Little Bean Marsh.
David Castaner - Natural Area Inventory and Floristic Analysis of Fens in Selected Southeastern Missouri Counties.
Steve Orzell - News and Notes
Contents, Number 2
- Minutes from the Winter Board Meeting.
Jean Webdell - Member Highlight: Dr. Leland J. Gier.
James R. Jackson - News and Notes
- Missouri’s Interesting Flora: Pink Thoroughwort.
Art Christ - Further Notes on Some Missouri Rare and Endangered Plants.
Steve Orzell - Growing Missouri Native Plants, An Introduction.
Paul Nelson - Wildflowers I Have Grown.
Edgar Denison - What’s New in Missouri?
Jay Raveill and Sue Taylor - Missouri Botanical County Records.
Wallace Weber and Jay Raveill
Contents, Number 1
- Letter from the President.
Melvin Conrard - Minutes from the Fall Board Meeting.
Jean Webdell - Report on the MONPS Fall Meeting Program.
Mary S. Taylor - Missouri’s Interesting Flora: Hydrolea ovata Nuttall ex Choisy.
Art Christ - Missouri’s Limestone Glades and Virginia’s Shale Barrens: A Layman’s Comparison.
Larry A. Morrison - An Earlier Record of Aira caryophyllea L. in Missouri.
Robert W. Freckmann - What’s New in Missouri?
Jay Raveill and Mary S. Taylor - The Mushroom-Tree Connection.
Barbara Bassett - Missouri Herbaria – An Update.
- Member Highlights: Steyermark Returns to His Native Missouri.
Gerrit Davidse - News and Notes
Volume 4, 1983
Contents, Number 4
- Letter from the Editor.
Nancy Morin - News and Notes
- Minutes from the Spring Board Meeting.
Karen Haller - Notes on Some Rare / Endangered Howell and Douglas County Plants.
Steve Orzell and Mervin Wallace - New Record for Barren Strawberry, Waldsteinia fragarioides (Michx.) Tratt.
Steve Orzell and Mervin Wallace - Additions to the Flora of Missouri from Europe.
David Castaner - Natural Area Inventory and Floristic Analysis of Fens in Selected Southeastern Missouri Counties: Part I.
Steve Orzell - Studies on the Fabricales, Part I.
Ellen Lissant and Kenneth Lissant - Native Plant Society Membership Lists
Contents, Number 3
- Minutes of the Board Meeting.
Karen Haller - What You Missed
- Information Requested
- Sclerochloa dura.
Douglas Ladd - Pyramid State Park.
Jay Raveill - Stamina.
Catherine Filla - Dodecatheon amethystinum.
Steve Orzell - Helianthus rota-plasticus, A New Species?
Donald J. Siehr - Thalia dealbata Roscoe.
Tom Heineke - New Variety of Elderberry.
David Castaner - Suggestions from “Out There”.
Mary Lehmann - Any Gardeners Out There?
Patrick Delozier - Correction
- Notice of Prairie Day
- Missouri Botanical Record.
Wallace R. Weber and Douglas Ladd - Notice of MONPS Spring Meeting
Contents, Number 2
- Minutes of the Board Meeting.
Karen Haller - What You Missed
- Russian Botanists Visit Ozarks.
Turner Collins and Wallace R. Weber - Fillipendula rubra – Queen of the Prairie.
Ron Mullikin - Poa bulbosa.
Art Christ - Helianthus rota-plasticus, A New Species.
Joyce Powers, Michele Powers, and Charles King - Barry County Botanical Treasures.
Steve Orzell - The Pillage Goes On.
Steve Clubine - Two Speedwells New to Missouri.
Dave Castaner - Johnson’s Shut-Ins State Park.
Paul Nelson - Endangered Isotria
- Autumn Hazard for Field Botanists.
Joanna Turner - New Publications
- Missouri Botanical Record.
Wallace R. Weber and Douglas Ladd
Contents, Number 1
- Minutes of the Annual Meeting.
Karen Haller - What You Missed
- News for Plant Conservationists.
William Dierker - Warning: A Word to the Wise is Sufficient.
Julian Steyermark - Missouri Inventory: A Progress Report
- Missouri Botanical Record I.
Wallace R. Weber and Douglas Ladd - Rare and Endangered Prairie Plants (of Illinois).
John E. Schwegman - Endangered and Rare Plants of Missouri Prairies and Glades.
Gary A. Reese - Plant Immigrants.
John E. Wylie - Wonder Drug from a Common Weed.
Warren L. Wagner - Southern Illinois Native Plant Society Chapter Newsletter
- Menyanthes trifoliata in Missouri?
Steve L. Orzell - Failed Foray
Volume 3, 1982
Contents, Number 4
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
- What You Missed
- Coming Up
- Missouri Glades: Part II
Paul Nelson and Douglas Ladd - New Format
- Contributions on Carices: Separating Immature Carex lurida from C. hystricina and Some New County Records
David Castaner - New Evidence of Mastodons
James M. Sullivan - New Selaginella Species
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - Update on the Irish Wilderness
- New Prairie Publications
- Book Review: Earth’s Song
William H. Elder
Contents, Number 3
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
- We’re Spreading Our Branches
Paul Nelson - Missouri Glades, Part I
Paul Nelson and Douglas Ladd - Peat Mosses of Missouri
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - Xenophobia
Edgar Denison - Rebuttal
Ginny (Klomps) Wallace - What Others Are Doing
Frank D. Bowers - A Procedure for Updating New Records
Douglas Ladd, Paul L. Redfearn, Jr., and Paul W. Nelson - Who Loves A Swamp?
Wanda Oskins - Book Review: Spring Wildflowers of Missouri
Wallace R. Weber - Book Review: Missouri Orchids
Wallace R. Weber - Book Review: Weeds of Arkansas
Wallace R. Weber - Endangered Wildlflower Calendar
- Revised Bylaws
- Spring Wildflower Walks
Contents, Number 2
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
- What You Missed
- Our Next Meeting
- Patience and the White Oak
James P. Jackson - Wildflowers I Have Grown
Edgar Denison - Suggestions for Conducting a Survey: Ideas of Dr. Steyermark
- Congressional Activities of Concern to Botanists
Bill Dierker - By-Laws to be Updated
- A Rat With Petals
Ginny Klomps - Where Do You Put Your Poison Ivy
James M. Sullivan - Timely Tips
- Vegetation of Hawn State Park
- New County Records of Southeastern Missouri Species
Arthur Christ - Missouri Natural Heritage Inventory
Rebecca Haefner - Missouri State Parks: A Natural Treasure House, Part II
John Karel - Help Wanted
Contents, Number 1
- Annual Meeting
- What Else You Missed
Becky Haefner and Ginny Klomps - Message from Hawker
Jon Hawker - Redfearn’s Reply to Wylie and the “Dude”
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - Missouri State Parks: A Natural Treasure House, Part I
John Karel - Guide to Missouri Herbaria
- GREAT III: Planning for Natural Area Protection in an Upper Mississippi River Management Plan
Richard B. Pershall - Help Wanted
- Help Offered
- Recent Activities of MDC and DNR
- Book Review
Joanna Turner - New County Records
John Wylie - Diamond Prairie Day
- Please Send Us Material: Here’s How
- Officers of MoNPS
- Have You Paid Your Dues
Volume 2, 1981
Contents, Number 4
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
- Nominating Committee Report
- Something To Look For
John E. Schwegman - Boreal Relics Border on Ozark Glade
Charles W. Putnam and Keith E. Evans - Missouri Plants In Print: New Literature Relating to Missouri Plants
Robert H. Mohlenbrock - Responses to Redfearn
John E. Wylie - A County Record and Some Unusual Plants
Ginny Klomps - The Mysterious Legacy
Joel M. Vance - Spreading the Word Through Adult Education
Gordon T. Maupin - Special Notices
- Help Wanted
- Updated On Endangered Species
- Prairie Day
Contents, Number 3
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
- New State and County Records: New Finds in Taney County
Alice Nightingale - New State and County Records: Cicuta maculata var. curtissii Found In Missouri
Arthur Christ - Flora of Missouri Project: Comments by Steyermark and Weber
Wallace R. Weber - New Histological Study
Ginny Klomps - Missouri’s Natural Divisions
Richard H. Thom - Endangered Species Report
Sherry Morgan - “Our” Missouri Primrose, Now Properly Oenothera macrocarpa
Warren L. Wagner - Plan To Be With Us In March
- Some Thoughts on Collecting and Herbaria
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - Tree Key for the Blind
- Editorial Assists
- Comment on Whitlow
- Gracias
- Errata
Contents, Number 2
- Minutes of the Last Meeting
- Prairie Conference
- A New Kind of State Park
- Help Wanted
- Help Offered
- A Note from a Cypripedium Grower
Carson E. Whitlow - Gracias
- Ivy-Leaved Speedwell in Missouri
James S. Key - Silphium Hybrids
Paul L. Redfearn, Jr. - Catechism Column
Joanna Turner - Logos At Last
- Possibly Poisonous Plants
Gary A. Reese
Contents, Number 1
- First Annual Meeting
- A Target for MONPS: A New Missouri Vascular Plant Manual, A Proposal
Wallace R. Weber - Rediscovered Site: Rediscovery of Adiantum capillus-veneris in Jefferson County, Missouri
Steve L. Orzell - Help Wanted
- National Network
- Whose Plants Are They?
Virginia L. Klomps - Steyermark Collection
Sherry Morgan - Prairie Conference
- Ginseng Gathering
Walter H. Lewis - Catechism Column
- Status Reports
- Election Processing
- Outing: Washington State Park
Edgar Denison - Still Looking for a LOGO
- Gracias
Volume 1, 1980
Contents, Number 4
- What You Missed
- A Code To Follow
- Efforts To Save Endangered Species
- Federal Legislative Proposals
- American Endangered Plants
- Spring Is Upon Us!
- A New Sedge For Missouri
Art Christ - Grab Your Baskets
- Towards More Picturesque Speech
Gordon T. Maupin - Why Waste The Weeds?
Bill Brush - Autumnal Vegetation of Grand Tower Island
Robert H. Mohlenbrock - Reindeer Moss In Missouri Glades
L. J. Gier - Contributions To Botany In Michigan
- Help Wanted
John Wylie - Help Offered
John Wylie - We’re All Invited
- He Had The Combination
- Looking For A Logo
- Gatherings of Interest
- Catechism Column
Alice Nightingale - Our Next Meeting
Contents, Number 3
- MONPS Growth Rate Good
- Where We Are Now
- Our First Life Member
- Three Months With Dr. Steyermark
Robert H. Mohlenbrock - Fire Pink and Wild Pink Hybrid
Keith E. Evans, Charles W. Putnam, and Shanna L. Nesby - An Unusual Missouri Plant
L. J. Gier - Botanical Gateway
- Hitch-Hiker From The West
Warren L. Wagner - Sightings From The South
Hazel Ayers - Upcoming Inventory
Richard H. Thom - And Then There Were None
- Catechism Column
- Now That The Leaves Are Down
- We Goofed
Contents, Number 2
- Report of Board Meeting
- Editor’s Note
- A Boost From Missouri Botany’s Best
- Dash to Dot!
- Additional County Records
- From Possum Trot
- A Plea For Panax
Walter H. Lewis - Botanizing Missouri In Illinois
Robert H. Mohlenbrock - Viva Victoria Glade!
- Further Orchid Facts
Edgar Denison - We Are Not Alone
- Coming Up: Our Next Meeting
- Salvage One
- Officers of MONPS
- Membership Application Blank
Contents, Number 1
- We Are Official!
- A Few Words of Gratitude
- A Neighbor Speaks Up
- …So Does The President
Jon L. Hawker - An Opening Challenge
- …And Some Quick Responses
- Where Are YOU?
- About This Issue
- …And About Our Future
- Wanted