The Kansas City Chapter of the Missouri Native Plant Society welcomes members and non-members alike to participate in our Chapter activities. These activities include Chapter meetings, an annual fundraising event, and various field trips scheduled throughout the year. Though our botany skills range from beginner to professional, we are just a rag-tag group of people slowly walking through the woods or prairie. Our interests involve the culture of Missouri botany and the exploration of natural areas in order to educate others on our wonderful native flora.
Currently, our Chapter meetings occur on the first Tuesday of each of the months of January, March, May, September, and November. We meet at the Anita B. Gorman Discovery Center located at 4750 Troost Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64110 and our meetings typically start at 7:00 PM. Our January meeting is when we draft our field trip schedule for the year, whereas the remaining four meetings usually consist of a guest speaker or an activity. For information on upcoming events or membership please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thanks!
Contact Us
Hilary Haley
MONPS Kansas City Chapter 2020 Calendar
Submitted by John C. Richter, MONPS KC Chapter President.
For questions about upcoming field trips contact the field trip leader, otherwise contact John Richter via e-mail: RichterJC@bv.com, or cell phone 816-519-8201. Please RSVP with the field trip leader or John Richter for all field trips. We use RSVP information to plan car pool logistics and to determine if a field trip will have any attendance. This is important for making decisions based on severe weather, etc.
Regarding our events, please feel free to bring a friend. Our events are open to all who would like to participate, members and non-members alike. We welcome your participation!
CANCELLED :: April 4, 10:00 AM Field Trip: Bluebell Valley – Field trip date is tentative, actual date will depend on mother nature (it’s a phenology thing). Details regarding finalized date and parking location will be forthcoming. Field trip leader: Cathy Bylinowski.
CANCELLED :: May 5, 7:00 PM, MDC Discovery Center: Chapter Meeting – Come join us for a walk around the MDC Discovery Center gardens.
June 12 – 14, MONPS State Meeting and Field Trips, jointly held with the Kansas Native Plant Society. For information please refer to the Petal Pusher newsletter or the state MONPS website.
July 9, 6:00 PM Field Trip: Hidden Valley Natural Area – join us in a search for the elusive Goldie’s fern (Dryopteris goldieana). Some may call it a glacial relic. Field trip leader: John Richter richterjc@bv.com 816-519-8201.
September 1, 7:00 PM, MDC Discovery Center: Chapter Meeting – Tentative…Presentation by an MDC Urban Forester, topic would include the biology of trees.
October 10, 10 AM Field Trip: River Bluff Nature Reserve – Likely an unmaintained and at places steep trail, we will endeavor to explore the rock outcrops and deep hollows of the north facing riverfront forest. We hope to see an uncommon species: black maple (Acer nigrum). Field trip leader: John Richter richterjc@bv.com 816-519-8201.
November 3, 7:00 PM, MDC Discovery Center: Chapter Meeting – Activity TBD.
Favorite Places
- Blue River Glades Natural Area, Jackson County, MO
- Burr Oak Woods Conservation Area, Jackson County, MO
- Crooked River Conservation Area, Ray County, MO
- Hidden Valley Natural Area, Clay County, MO
- Isley Park Woods Natural Area, Clay County, MO
- James A. Reed Memorial Wildlife Area, Jackson County, MO
- Jerry Smith Park, Jackson County, MO
- Maple Woods Natural Area, Clay County, MO
- Ogg Road Prairie, Johnson County, KS
- Trice Dedman Memorial Woods, Clinton County, MO